Images Credits: Virtual Planit and Supervene

Aire Park – Phase Two

The second phase of Aire Park concerns the majority of the land to the south of Crown Point Road without planning permission, it represents the last significant masterplan phase for the vision of the area that began in 2016. Phase One is in progress with detailed design of many of the buildings in progress, with some in construction or nearing completion. A large portion of the public realm is complete with other parts scheduled to open in the immediate future.
Phase Two comprises of 3 distinct sections. The completion of the urban block to the west with a residential tower acting as a gateway, the continuation of the Park south of Crown Point Road, a new urban block to the east. Two critical connections are reinforced in the design of the masterplan. Firstly the green link from the River Aire south to great Wilson Street. This leaves the possibility open for a larger linear park linking back to the city centre as further post industrial areas are developed. Secondly a meaningful connection to the Docks, an area which has been segregated from the rest of Leeds because of the surrounding development sites.

With over 700 trees proposed in this phase alone the masterplan demonstrates that valuable and substantial public space can be developed whilst retaining density and value in city centre sites. The Aire Park concept has created a strong identity for the area, it will create neighbourly and walkable neighbourhoods. It also stitches together once segregated parts of Leeds into a more cohesive whole and generates the possibility of further integration of areas in the south at later dates. We are glad to see the first phases of the masterplan begin to be used by the public and the roots of a new neighbourhood taking hold.